Case UK
Darparu Gwasanaethau Iechyd I Cymru a De Orllewin Lloegr
We've Hit The Road!

We are always looking for ways to inform people of the support services we offer and sometimes a good chat can go a long way in steering people in the right direction.
It would be a shame if someone missed out on receiving support because they haven't been made aware of it.
That's why our CASE-CAFE vans have hit the road, attending events, conferences and workplaces, spreading the message about the support that is available to them.
So if you see us parked up, come on over and have a chat we will even sort you out with a hot drink be it coffee, decaf or hot chocolate with options of tasty snacks to choose from.
Book us for an event or workplace;

Join Our Franchise;

Rydyn ni bob amser yn atgoffa pobl ei bod hi’n dda siarad, weithiau mae sgwrs dda yn gallu gwneud llawer i’ch helpu chi i oresgyn cyfnodau anodd, mae gan bob un ohonom ni brofiadau i’w rhannu a phroblemau ein hunain i fynd i’r afael â nhw, a pha ffordd well o rannu’r rhain na gyda phaned o goffi da. Rydyn ni wedi gweithio’n agos gyda Ked's café Bar a Big Dog Coffee i feddwl am flend coffi gwych sydd wedi’i brynu ym Mrasil, wedi’i rostio yng Nghymru.
Y peth gorau yw, mae’r cyfan yn Fasnach Deg.