AP Waters Contractors is a family-run business providing building and maintenance services across South Wales. The company employs 80+ local people and has established great working relationships across the region including, Registered Social Landlords, Local Authorities, and Private Customers.
Torfaen Business Forum introduced AP Waters to Case-UK's In-Work Support service to help address the workforce wellbeing that's been impacting day-to-day delivery of services.
Issues highlighted included Increased absenteeism, Increased levels of anxiety as a legacy of COVID-19, Bereavement, financial, relationships, housing, and medication issues.

Support Provided
Case-UK introduced wellbeing sessions to the SMT's of the company to discuss the support packages the In-Work Support provides and to help them gain clarity on the benefits of using wellbeing assessments to support the future development of the business.
The management team were also encouraged to identify and adopt targets over a two-year period for staff to access wellbeing support with the aim of improving retention and workplace attendance.
Case-UK also provided awareness workshops to AP Waters workforce on the emotional, financial, and physical activities available. (Employers paid staff for attending).
The Employers state that “introduction of the programme has had such a positive impact on the wellbeing of our company”. The support has resulted in (i) a reduction of days lost to illness and a reduction of cases of lateness especially on Monday mornings. (ii) Changed our approach to appraisals and now include wellbeing. (iii) The quick response of support for an employee in crisis prevented them from actioning serious self-harm. (iv) Employees refer and support each other and have used the service to support family members who are also employed. (v) Additional construction companies seeking registration.
Customers Voice
"To be honest, we thought the service seemed 'too good to be true' and there would be a ‘catch’ to the provision. However, all of the outcomes are positive and have had a big impact on our workforce. I feel now as an employer we can support the mental and physical health of the workforce and actually get them the help people need. It is the intention to further develop the awareness of the programme and to use the whole package to analyse the well-being and plan for effective support and intervention as part of our appraisal and reflection process.