Case UK
Providing Smart Health, Occupational & Vocational Services
Sustainability Policy
Environmental Sustainability Policy and Carbon Reduction Action Plan
Policy Statement
As an educational, training, and wellbeing organisation, we are committed to minimising the environmental impact we make on the environment resulting from the delivery of our business. Case-UK is committed to ongoing sustainable development; ensuring that a more sustainable future is delivered, for the benefit of current and future generations. We will commit to sustainable development by improving management of resources, increasing knowledge, and developing sustainable cultures in conjunction with all our stakeholders. Case-UK aims to: • Pro-actively manage activity to reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint. • Support cultural change through increased organisational knowledge of sustainability issues. • Consider the wider environmental impact of the procurement of goods, buildings, services, and fuels, considering the balance of sustainability and cost. • Continually consider changes to improve environmental sustainability.
To develop this policy, we will implement a range of approaches to improving sustainability. Case-UK aims to: • Implement practices to reduce the use of scarce resources, increasing recycling and reducing waste. • Endeavor to comply with environmental best practice and legislation. • Adopt best practice in the development of new facilities. • Reduce consumption of energy and water • Reuse hardware where possible
Sustainability Action Plan
The vision is to develop an organisation which is sustainably procured, operated, and managed and is resource efficient, and integrates the principles of sustainability into working practices which improve the environment for its users. The Directors also consider that it has a responsibility to inform and educate its users in the wider context of sustainability. This action plan attempts to improve the sustainability of Case-UK’s provision, principally referring to its head office in Merthyr Tydfil. This plan brings together several key areas of operation which if collectively improved will provide for a more sustainable future and an environmentally friendly culture across the Group. Sustainability is not just about recycling tin cans and paper, important though that is. It is about using less, coordinating an approach, improving awareness across the services and many more factors which will be considered as our infrastructure and operating processes develop. This plan concentrates on six key areas of operation under which Case-UK ’s environmental policy will be developed alongside accreditation of the Green Dragon Standard Level 2: • Waste and Recycling - using less scarce resources and recycling. • Water – using less, reducing leaks, reducing bills. • Energy – using less gas and electricity, focusing on cleaner alternatives. • Estate – developing the estate to improve operational performance. • Travel – reducing unnecessary trips, incorporating sustainable alternatives. • Procurement - environmental considerations within the supply chain.
Objective: To become more resource efficient and minimise unsustainable impacts of consumption. Targets: • To achieve 30% reduction in total paper consumption over 5 years • All paper to be derived of at least 70% post-consumer waste by January 2025 • All Case-UK sites have available recycling and waste disposal sites. • A 30% increase in the materials recycled by June 2025 • Double sided printing mandatory – where equipment permits by January 2025 • Recycle all ink and toner cartridges. • Recycle cups, drinks cans and food waste consistently across all Case-UK provision. • Recycle or reuse all computer hardware, light tubes and timber waste where possible.
WATER Objective: To become more resource efficient and minimise unsustainable impacts of consumption. Targets: • To identify current water, use and set bench-mark data against which to monitor performance. • To reduce water consumption by January 2025 • Removal of bottled water machine and source drinking water from environmentally conscious suppliers. • Work with the Landlord to Identify opportunities to save water with repair/replacement of existing fittings and fit cistern water savers and non-concussive taps in all toilets by January 2025
ENERGY Objective: To become more resource efficient and minimise unsustainable impacts of consumption. Targets: • To become a carbon-neutral organisation by January 2025 • Source at least 15% of electrical requirements from renewable sources by January 2025 • Improve energy efficiency of the Case-UK provisions by 10% by January 2025 (kWh of fuel and electricity used per m2) • To develop a sustainable energy purchase policy by January 2025
ESTATES Objective: To become more resource efficient and minimise unsustainable impacts of consumption. Targets: • Natural resource protection and environmental enhancement • To protect and enhance biodiversity. • Ensure new or refurbished buildings integrate sustainable development considerations. • Consider the potential for improving the sustainability of existing accommodation.
TRAVEL Objective: To become more resource efficient and minimise unsustainable impacts of consumption. Targets: • Review vehicles for environmental impact by January 2025 • Generate a Green Transport policy, including cycling, car sharing and travel wiseprogram with regular surveys to monitor car usage. Review bi-annually. • Introduce a work-based travel plans with local vehicle restrictions by January 2025 • Increase use of video link and teleconferencing across Case-UK – investigate potential for staff home working options and review by January 2025.
PROCUREMENT Objective: To become more resource efficient and minimise unsustainable impacts of purchasing environmentally damaging products, considering the whole supply chain, not just the individual product. • Identify current procurement processes and contracts to rank products and suppliers. • Implement a preferred suppliers list to cut costs and meet social economic and environmental targets by January 2025 • Develop a sustainable procurement policy which is aligned to the organisational delivery working practices and considers the supply chain process in full by September2019 • Embed the new sustainable procurement policy and practices across the organisation, by reviewing all documentation and contracts by January 2020 • Arrange a program of sustainable procurement training for all senior managers and Directors.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The team will actively monitor and evaluate the progress of the policy and subsequent improvement plans to ensure that they are leading to improved performance. Performance will be managed in the following ways: • Regular reporting to the Directors at Board meetings • Benchmarked performance with other educational establishments and independent bodies such as BREEAM standard, will be evaluated. • A framework for user feedback and to encourage adoption of best practice will be established with all building users.
Case-UK will ensure that this policy and action plan is developed and implemented in full consultation with its employees and stakeholders and that the contents of this document are both communicated to all concerned and kept up to date. Its development will lead to the establishment of principles leading to full working practices. Finally, Case-UK recognises that achieving an effective Sustainability Policy is a shared objective that out of necessity needs to involve everyone connected with the organisation. It is important therefore that all users of the Groups premises and suppliers to Case-UK companies are aware of their responsibilities in meeting and supporting this policy.